Has it really been 4 years?

A lot has changed in my life over the last 4 years. Like you probably, there has been moving on and moving away and moving forward.

I moved from the hills to downtown, I traveled to Maine, I traveled to Nashville, TN, and I fought Covid in August. And now the leaves are falling and the temps are dropping. I am having reflections of life and seasons. Let’s reconnect!

Here are some of my thoughts…

“When Christ enters you and captures your heart, He begins to change your desires, destination, and direction. He may change your world from inside-out, but does not always change your “outside world”…the way society looks at you and the behaviors you established during the lean years. This is the time when the Holy Spirit wants to work on you with your cooperation and continue to complete the transformation while you are still on earth. This growth has to accompany obedience and self sacrifice. Yes, Jesus loves you. However He has certain demands as a sovereign God. If any well-meaning person tells you that all you have to do with Christianity is walk an aisle and go on with your life, you are being deceived”

Please leave me a message on FaceBook at Mary Ann Young, Gmail as ymaryrob@gmail.com or here! I will be waiting for your words! In Christ, Mary

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